Wednesday, October 19, 2011

brazillian women tooo hot for their husbands!!!!!!

Ok when I first heard this I was a little confused with the details of what was really going on. But now I get it just that I'm not sure where I stand in terms of who is right and wrong. Women have always been seen as sex-objects which is an insult. But I find the Brazillian government fascinating in dealing with this issue.

Brazil's Ministry for Women submitted a request September to suspend some ad, because she says it reinforces the stereotype of women as sex objects. the TV ad sends a message that 'sensuality can melt any man' and 'encourages Brazillian women to use their charms minimize the reactions of their husbands.' Like what? Really?

In the commercial for the Brazilian  brand Hope, Brazilian-born  Gisele Bundchen is clad in panties, a bra and high heels, in an effort to distract her husband when she delivers horrible news  about damaging his car, exceeding her credit limit and her mother coming to live with them.  and what's also amazing is that men are angry but not because their women are perceive as sex objects but because this ad makes them look like idiots. I MEAN RELLY NOW...............I'll be back with my thoughts on this...............

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