Friday, July 29, 2011


She busted on the scene with her NO NO NO NO hit telling her dad she doesn't want to go to rehab and months later she drowned on drugs. Since then, she has been struggling with drugs abuse and her father had made it clear that she wasn't going to reach 30. When news that she's passed away emerged, many were shocked but it's was on their expectations. I'm one of the millions saden by her death and I remember her uniqueness and artistic looks. RIP hope you wont say NO NO NO to SAINT PETER.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Bria Murphy is the new face of Dark&Lovely products replacing the immature Nonhle Thema.

Friday, July 22, 2011

HazelBird: Campfashion

HazelBird: Campfashion: "Universities are known to be the place to show of your fashion taste. Fashionistas get the platform to get out of the closet and let their ..."


Universities are known to be the place to show of your fashion taste. Fashionistas get the platform to get out of the closet and let their true fashion colours show. They wear things they wouldn't go around wearing in their own hoods, which is disturbing. As a  professional fashionista, thank you, I've seen it all. Some interesting, and some traumitising. Students go all weird and crayz, I;ve decided to group them into catogories as they are all different.
I have come across, expensivers, cheapers, vintagers, and of coarse mixers. They all there. Expensivers go for the expensive, old, known, trends. They have no style at all, they buy because they can afford and someone they know has it. They the same as those celebrities who know nada about fashion but still look stunning  and expensive on the red carpet. It takes stylist like me to revamp them. Cheapers, gosh I love this ones. They go for anything less than the price of bread. They settle for the chinese shops which stock the same item more than they have to. They don't mind wearing what everybody is wearing. Vintagers, I love this ones. It's hard to recognise them. They go for the old, second hand fierce items. They don't shop a lot but take from people. They are the only ones who have what they have. Then comes my type, mixers, yeee, we mix. We go for expensive, cheap(not chinese) and vintage. Mixers are unique, stylish, they never run out of style. They always have something new to give to the community, (fashion wise).
That's campus fashion for you. Hope you'll find where you belong and start upgrading your look, it's healthy for you.