Wednesday, September 07, 2011


Recently I had a hot rather short argument with one of the guys in my class. We were definetly not arguing about the horrible, dissapointing state of politics our country is in. Nor was it about soccer politics. This time it was all about what makes a woman look expensive. This whole conversation initiated when a student who happen to be a wannabe walked in late and the guy was wowed by her looks and said she look expensive. flabbargasted me, I watched with an appraising glance. She looks expensive? Really? What makes her look expensive? Is it the Mr Price jeans and top she's in or is it the fake hair colour and eye lashes? He couldn't answer . Not beacause I got him confused or because I wanted to cast aspersions on his honesty. But because he uttered that phrase haven't thought about it real meaning. I say looking expensive is not determined by the price tag of your clothes but by how you handle yourself and walk in those clothes. we can all wear Jimmy Choo heels topped up with a David Tlale black dress, iced with a LV bag but still look cheap. If you dont feel comfortable in those clothes, you'll look dull, boring and cheap. If they don't suit you, they wont look expensive. So I forgive my dearest, clueless male friend for assuming that that chick looked expensive because of the price tag.

1 comment:

  1. Lol wow. You are so not dull when it comes to fashion. I will make suer to stay away from whenever I make fashion clothes comments. lol Nice piece... love it.
