Wednesday, November 14, 2012

What happened to being unique?

What happened to being unique?
So gone are those 2010, 2011 days where people were distinctive in their fashion world that people thought they had a disease or something. Yes they had fashion leper. Akon has just introduced Lady Gaga to us and she was emerging as this fashion monster, well she took it toooo far. But it was great, and it was fresh air. Rihanna came with her individual style and the Gossip Girl crew also just wouldn’t stop with their amiable wardrobe.
But something happened. Social network happened. The increase of use of fashion blogs increased. All of a sudden everyone had a blog and everyone was a fashionista. Yes. People are now posting their “what I’m wearing” pictures, everyday. And when you look at them, it’s the same prints, turbans, neon, blazers, and tribal prints. All the trending items. Everybody is wearing the same outfit in different colours and sizes. We are all wearing turbans. When I first wore mine last year, students in my campus thought I was losing my mind. No I wasn’t , I was just being unique. But with this sharing of fashion tips, how unique can one remain?
Well you can argue that there are people out there who are still unique like Solange Knowles, who can wear anything but hey what she wore 5 minutes ago is now on everybody’s wardrobe. See those All Star sneakers Rihanna loves, oh well everybody has them too.
So then no one is unique. No we are all unique?
 It’s a good thing to follow trends but to remain your true self in that process you have to know and find your true style in those tribal prints. Well if people are tying them the Egyptian way, then wear them the traditional Zulu way. When they go south, don’t go north because north is obvious, go east.
I always say I will rather not be accepted in society than be normal. In fact normal just doesn’t exist in my vocabulary and if you are a true unique fashionista, you shouldn’t be even able to pronounce that.
I don’t know Lady Gaga use to be the wow factor but now she is expected, you know if it’s not the weird hairdo it’s the politically incorrect shoes and that takes the fun away from it.
To be continued....

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