Wednesday, June 22, 2011

USA First Lady Touching Our Shores

To be honest with you, not that I'm never honest, I have to admitt that I was over my head when I heard that the first ever USA BLACK FIRST LADY wil be touching our soil. Michel Obama is now the world's mother, after all America is the most powerful and influential state. Apparently she's here to visit Mandela, whome Americans think he's a god, and also to promote women and youth leadership.
I'm happy for this initiative, it's a good one and it might help. But what is it that South Africas need?. The youth. What are their needs? I promise you, Obama's wife's visit is not what we need. The president visiting the Queen of Britain is absolutely not what we need.
We need people who will come to this country not with their capitalist agenda but the agenda of creating jobs. The American government is trying so hard to use us as a gate away to Africa and to fulfil their long time dream of exploiting our rich resources and minerals taking the advantage that we don't have financial abilities. We need people who will come to this soil and put the idea of education in action but till then we will have to do it on our own and they should just give us space. We should learn to change our own land to avoid manipulators.
Mrs Obama hope you'll enjoy SA but your visit should be lucrative for us to invite you again.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


HURREY//// Another South African made it. The beautiful, lovely, face of L'Oreal Terry Pheto. She made it. Following the footsteps of Benoni's own Charlize Theron. After all, you'll expect that since she co-stared on Tsotsi which made it internationally and even won an Oscar Award. I'm happy for her and I'm sure South Africans bayalilizela. And I'm sure some in the same industry are saying damn, it could have been me. Well it could have been you if you were a fan of The Bold and the Beautiful. Yaa that's where she got the big gig. It a huge sopie, huge,,,has been there for years and the fact that it's still airing means it's in demand. And I can tell where the audience is coming from. MHMHM retired people who have time to waste, desparate housewives, and those of course who don't have paid TV. But who the audience is doesn't matter.
It's a good move for Terry before I forget that this is about her. Her profile will be upgraded. It's a pity I wont be watching, not that I have better empowering programes to watch, but because I can miss it for two years and still feel like I missed it for two days. If I miss Brooke's wedding with her husband's brother's son I'll catch the one with her husband's son. I know Brooke will never die, not that she's the Beautiful of the sopie,I mean she's old now, but there's no HIV/AIDS or SDIs in Hollywood.